Saturday, May 16, 2020

Analysis Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare - 1338 Words

Emotion, without a doubt, controls most aspects of life. It dictates the words we say, the actions we take, and the path we follow. While a play is a piece of literature and obviously fiction, it does, in fact, reflect life. Authors create characters and then situations for those characters to react to. Therefore, it is the character’s emotional journey that truly dictates the story and its overall meaning. This is explicitly seen throughout the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, who is one of the most influential writers of all time. In the play, Hamlet’s father, the king of Denmark, dies; which in turn causes his uncle Claudius to marry Hamlet’s mother and ascend to the throne. This new arrangement does not agree with Hamlet, especially†¦show more content†¦Finally, Hamlet also becomes reckless, which is seen as he follows the ghost of his father going against the advisal of his best friend. Therefore, if it had not been for Hamlet’s undying lo ve for his father who was, â€Å" excellent a king, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr[Claudius]†(26), then the story’s theme would have been about dealing with loss without retaliation. In addition to Hamlet’s love for his father, Shakespeare uses Hamlet’s raging, conflicting emotions to affect the plot and theme. â€Å"To be, or not to be†(138) summarizes Hamlet’s oxymoron of a character, someone who cannot decide where he stands. He is impulsive and rash, yet indecisive and hesitant. He is thoughtful and reflective, but admires someone who is violent and passionate. Thus, it is with these opposing emotions that Shakespeare moves the story forward. By doing so, Hamlet gets caught in an inner struggle that effectively changes his character. For example, when the ghost appears to Hamlet and motions for him to follow, he does so because if, â€Å"It will not speak. Then I will follow it†(54). Hamlet pursues this potentially dang erous spirit, despite the warnings of his closest friend. Furthermore, he goes as far as to threaten anyone who tries to stop him. Once the ghost tells him that it was Claudius that killed him, Hamlet promisesShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet1385 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the three major themes of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is that of the gulf between what appears to be and what something is in reality: in other words, to distinguish between what is fake interpretation from what they truly are. 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